"Tallinna Teel" Concert| Gala |Fundraiser
NY Estonian Mixed Choir & Folk Dance Group Saare Vikat invite you to: "Tallinna Teel" Concert | Gala | Fundraiser Tickets: presale $65 | $75 after Feb 22nd Paypal.me/Estonianhouseny | Venmo @estonianhouseny Payment comment “gala” & ticket holders name(s). Concert, Welcome drink, Buffet, Silent auction After the concert the gala dance will kick off with Dj Lind Black tie optional SEND A GREETING OR ADVERTISE YOUR COMPANY IN OUR DIGITAL GALA PROGRAM: Platinum: $1000 Gold: $500 Silver: $250 Gala friends: $100 Donations can be monetary sent via Paypal.me/Estonianhouseny | Venmo @estonianhouseny or product equivalent. For more info to become our event donor and to submit your donation contact Krista Tassa: Segakoor@estonianhouseny.org